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AnoirbeN стал победителем дня 5 сентября 2018

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  1. Отличная идея, но в этом нет никакого смысла... Лучше каждому написать свои биографии своими руками. Так мы узнаем его истинный уровень. И так люди учатся писать резюме для себя, чтобы учиться и развивать свои собственные навыки.
  2. Здравствуйте уважаемые игроки! Многих начинающих игроков интересует вопрос "Как попасть на лидерку?". Попробуем рассказать как можно подробнее. В последнее время очень многие кандидаты на лидерство стали высказывать своё недовольство тем, что "я написал хорошую заявку и не допущен" или же "я написал хорошую заявку и прошёл обзвон, а меня не поставили". В данной теме мы вам расскажем о том, что же всё-таки хотят видеть и слышать следящие администраторы от вас на собеседование. Прежде всего, убедитесь в этом. Основные требования к кандидатам:​ Знание правил сервера, правил подачи гос. новостей. Реальный возраст 15+ лет. Иметь 10+ уровень на сервере. Ежесуточный онлайн 4+ часа. Находиться более 7 дней в организации. Наличие микрофона и Discord аккаунта. Оставить заявку в данной теме. Игровой процесс: -Вы должны быть ознакомлены с правилами сервера, уметь использовать команды /me, /do, /try, /.... -Вы должны быть ознакомлены с правилами для лидеров и помнить, что "поднять во фракции" - это не улучшение, а обязанность каждого лидера. -Вы должны соответствовать требованиям, которые выдвигают следящие на обзвон для отбора кандидатов. Уровень - показатель вашего онлайна, а ранг во фракции - показатель вашего трудолюбия. -Вы не должны иметь конфликтов с составом, с которым сотрудничаете. Заявка на лидерство на форуме: -Вы обязаны заполнить каждый пункт, не пропуская графы со скринами и возрастом. -К заполнению заявки необходимо подходить со всей серьёзностью, потому что именно она - залог вашего хорошего ответа на обзвоне. Для того, чтобы заполнить хорошую заявку - подготовьтесь: прочитайте о вашей организации пару статей, загуглив их, узнайте как можно больше о вашей фракции, чем она может вообще в принципе заниматься. -Заполняйте каждый пункт так, чтобы следящим и обзванивающим было понятно, что вы из себя представляете. По поводу улучшений - не бойтесь их расписывать полным текстом, объяснять полностью. Улучшения "в Discord" и "поднять РП" только убивают интерес к кандидату. -Подойдите "креативно" к заполнению и оформлению заявки. Какому следящему захочется читать заявку выкрашенную в ярко-красным или же зеленым цвет? -Заполняя каждый пункт заявки, будьте предельно честными. Если у вас были варны - укажите. Если у вас были конфликты с администрацией - расскажите почему. Очень плохо, если всё тайное в результате раскроется. Собеседование в discord: -Для начала выспитесь перед собеседованием, не сидите накануне до глубокой ночи. Хорошее настроение -залог успеха. -Будьте вежливы, не хамите обзванивающих. -Внимательно слушайте вопросы, которые вам задают администраторы. -Если вам необходимо подумать - так и скажите. -Чем больше вы можете рассказать - тем лучше. Если вы запнулись, потеряли мысль, забыли о чём хотели сказать - не волнуйтесь и переходите к следующему пункту. -Отвечайте на все вопросы максимально честно. -Не употребляйте матерных слов. -Если вас просят выделить несколько самых главных улучшений - расскажите о них максимально полно. -Не обещайте того, чего не сможете выполнить. Оценивайте свои возможности и силы максимально объективно. Good Luck <3
  3. Все знают это правило Запрещен РК (Убийство Мести - убийство игрока с целью мести); но я замечаю, что оно не применяется... Например, одна из банд на складе умирает... Потом он возвращается в Хата и получает пистолет, а потом возвращается к мести. Также с SAPD, LVA и... Мы все должны согласиться избавиться от этой проблемы. Так что мы повышаем уровень РП... Так что... 1. Если ты умрешь на складе, не возвращайся на склад быстро. 2- Если вы находитесь в капт, не возвращайтесь туда же, где вас убили. 3- Если кто-то тебя убьет. Не пытайся искать его снова.
  4. AnoirbeN

    [FAQ] Organized crime

    WHAT IS ORGANIZED CRIME? Organized crime - hierarchically organized groups of criminals, collectively and systematically engaged in criminal activities. Under organized crime criminologists mean the activity of professional criminals (gangsters), differing from it "white-collar" (economic) crime. There are relatively few large criminal organizations engaged in criminal activities on an international scale. The most well-known organizations such as the mafia of Yakouza,La Cosa Nostra,Russian Maifa. In the last third of the 20th century, new criminal organizations - Latin American drug cartels, Russian and Albanian mafia, Nigerian criminal organizations-began to play an increasingly active role. Contrary to the view of the omnipresence of the mafia, in most countries of the world there are no large and influential mafia organizations. Traditional organized crime was based entirely on violence. Modern handles things differently, mainly committing "crimes without victims" - is engaged in activities which benefit (at least illusory) not only criminals, but those who use their services. Main characteristics of organized crime: 1) sustainability and sustainability; 2) the desire to maximize profits; 3) planning your activities; 4) the division of labor, the differentiation of managers and performers - experts in different fields; 5) the accumulation of insurance funds ("common funds"). All these signs replicate the characteristic features of the legal capitalist enterprise. This is no accident: modern organized crime is, in fact, a special branch of business - economic activity. Activities aimed at meeting the anti-social and acute needs of citizens (production of goods and services prohibited by law). While criminals were engaged in "redistributive" activities (theft, robbery, etc.), they did not need to create stable organizations. Only when criminal production (sex industry, gambling, drug business, etc.) appeared among criminals inevitably there was a division of labor (first of all - the division into leaders and ordinary performers), requiring sustainable organizations. Criminal organizations divide spheres of influence by agreeing on rules of cooperation and competition. Law enforcement officers are often included in the mafia network - they receive bribes from the mafia (or other useful services, for example, assistance in deterring unorganized crime) for not showing "excessive" official zeal. Unorganized criminals also participate in the system of secret contracts as a kind of "subcontractors" of criminal organizations. Receiving the right to operate in the territory controlled by the criminal organization, unorganized criminals pay it for it "tribute". As a result of the mafia system of tacit contractual relations creates an atmosphere of a kind of "social harmony» The model of criminal organization as a system of secret contracts with virtually no use of violence is generalized and abstract. Real organized crime strives for this ideal, but does not always achieve it. To the greatest extent it corresponds to organized crime in Japan, which operates quite openly, maintaining ties with the police. Thus, criminal organizations do not always engage in direct confrontation with the state. One alternative is to infiltrate and corrupt public authorities in order to neutralize law enforcement measures. The overall objective is to create a situation in which the government takes a permissive position and will not take serious measures against such an organization or to suppress its activities. I PLAY ORGANIZED CRIME You must understand that you need to consider the most realistic story of the appearance of your op, because you can not at the click of a finger to recreate the organized crime, it is a very laborious process. You can play small grouping which at first was engaged in extortion, theft, etc., and in the course of the game accordingly, your group develops into an organized criminal group which has its hierarchical structure, material, and financial database and links to state agencies based on corruption mechanisms. OP do not do small business, this is a more serious organization, which has its own hierarchy and its own built form of income, for example: the supply of illicit goods and rendering illicit services, including gambling, prostitution, loan-sharking, drug dealing, Union extortion, and others. When you have already built your hierarchy, firmly hold on to your business, you can already talk about small groups that will serve you a kind of intelligence, work by force in other countries, for example: Colombia, there is also organized crime, which is mainly engaged in drugs, but it has its own people (clicks) in other countries, in the United States for example. Which are engaged in export of the same drugs to the USA and are based actually in the same place. People who are members of the mafia, too, is not a little important fact, as they say "the more the better", but the mafia is more difficult to recruit new members to your organization, because trust is all - it's not in their style. It is necessary to conduct a serious selection of people to whom you are ready to open all the cards, and how you will do it, it will also be interesting to watch. Having gained a stable composition, the question of the distribution of roles between the participants of the organization, both vertically (the allocation of leadership) and horizontally (criminal specialization). There must be strict internal discipline, a certain code of conduct, to the violators of which punitive measures are applied. Now let's talk about your character. If you are the leader of the op, which you have recreated from scratch, it would be illogical if you are 15-25 years old and not realistic. As mentioned above, to create organized crime, time-consuming process and therefore quite long, it can take from 5 to 20 years when your organization starts working like clockwork. Your style of dress can be not only official (jacket, tie, shoes rubbed to Shine), you are not an office bug and can wear what you want and when you want. You set the rules in your op and no one else. The nature of your character, you already show themselves in the game, it will be good of course to write the kvent your character, that other players were able to analyze your role. Cooperate with other influential people of the underworld, too, not a little important point. You have to understand, the more you have power, money and so forth, the more you will have enemies, but every enemy can turn into your ally, if it is to develop a decent strategy. Your game can be built entirely on wars, profitable deals, and may consist of a household game. Of course it will be interesting to see how to settle the conflict quite influential people from the criminal world, but the household game is also interesting in its own way, if it is qualitatively play. Then you can already play observing all the subtleties mentioned above. THE YAKUZA AS AN EXAMPLE OF ORGANIZED CRIME. The Yakuza are also known as gokudo (gokudf) and are members of traditional organized crime groups in Japan. Also known as "power groups" and today are one of the largest criminal organizations in the world. In Japanese legal terminology Yakuza called "borekudan" ("bfryokudan"), which means "power group". This name themselves Yakuza regard as offensive, because it can be applied to any type of crime. Yakuza groups are built on the principle of rigid hierarchy and their inner life is regulated by different codes of behavior. Such groups exist on almost all Japanese Islands, as well as in some places outside Japan. In conversations, the Yakuza use a special jargon and nowadays they usually impersonate businessmen. Since 1993, the attitude of the authorities to the Yakuza has become much more rigid, which was provoked by the incident of the attack on the film Director Juzo Itami by members of the goto clan (YAP. Goto-Gumi). Now even belonging to the Gumi (gang Yakuza) is a criminal offense, which increasingly forces modern Yakuza to move to an illegal situation. As a result, the Yakuza relations with the police have worsened (these relations due to the history of the formation of the Yakuza phenomenon have not always been bad) and their public authority has fallen. The Central figure in the Yakuza hierarchy is oyabun (literally "chief"), which roughly corresponds to the Russian thief in law. Sometimes as a synonym for oyabun the address Kumite (literally "the senior chief") is used. The Yakuza gangs usually consist of senior foremen SATA ("Junior brothers"), Junior foremen. Gangsters of Japan are descended from gangs of players in the middle of the 18th century (the term "Yakuza" means one of the combinations in the card game). Control over legal and illegal gambling continues to be one of the most important items of their income in modern Japan. In the first half of the 20th century the Yakuza controlled the organization of construction and port laborers. In the postwar decades, they mastered the underground usury and porn business, since the early 1970s, the leading source of income of the Yakuza was the drug business. Although the Japanese mafia is older than the Sicilian and American, its organizational design took place only in the late 1960s, when the leaders of criminal syndicates organized a meeting and during the negotiations divided the spheres of influence. A leading role among the thousands of bands playing the three major organizations (the largest of the "Yamaguchi Gumi"), whose share accounted for a large proportion of all members of the Yakuza.
  5. Машина появится. После того, как вы покупаете новый дом...Не переживай.... Автомобили исчезают только тогда, когда они продаются,Возьмите напрокат отель или купите новый дом. И хорошо провести время.
  6. С разрешения ГА создам тему для мемов и смешных скринов. Правила: 1. Все что обсуждается здесь, остается только в этой теме. 2. Все правила форума тут также работают, кроме одного, шутить над админами и основателями тут можно. 3. Баяны будут удаляться. Правила могут дополняться. Просьба не УДАЛЯТЬ!
  7. Я уверен, что вы будете подходящим человеком для этого поста,Без сомнени ты идеальный лидер Вагос.
  8. Такое случается много раз... Иногда можно повторить попытку. Это проблема давления, которое происходит на базу данных. Для этого нет решения. Просто подождите и повторяйте попытку время от времени.
  9. FAQ - (Frequently Asked Questions ) Frequently asked questions. As well as your assistant and guide. Here you can discover something new and useful. Admission to the police is carried out at any time. You need to have all the qualities of an adequate person, and fit all the criteria. Also, there are several ways to get to the police. Transfer from Army:Live in the state for at least 7 years.The Rank Ml.Sergeant and above.Not to be a Black squeaking Police SA.Note: to transfer, contact the Colonel or General of the army. Welcome to the citizen or upon the request:Live in the state for at least 7 years.To be an adequate person.Not to be Blacklisted by the SA Police. Employee wages per month Кадет - 380$ Офицер - 760$ Мл.Сержант - 900$ Сержант - 1080$ Прапорщик - 1350$ Ст.Прапорщик - 1440$ Мл.Лейтенант - 1680$ Лейтенант - 1800$ Ст.Лейтенант - 1960$ Капитан - 2160$ Майор - 2340$ Подполковник - 2520$ Полковник - 2700$ Шериф - 3600$ Game terms: Metagaming (MG) - the Use of OOC information in IC.Powergaming (PG) - Imagination from themselves a superhero.Spawn Kill (SK) - Murder on spawn (spawn location of the character).Team Kill (TK) - Killing his colleague. Revenge Kill (RK) - Killing a player for killing you.Repeat Kill (RK) - re-kill the same player.Charecter Kill (CHK) - Murder, with purpose to completely eliminate any character participating in the game.DeathMacth (DM) - Killing without IC reason.BunnyHooping (BH) - movement jumps to accelerate.DriveBy (DB) - Killing with a car (Hitting, with the driver's seat) Commands Police /r - Transmitter./d - Wave Department (Communication for all government organizations). /cuff [id] - Handcuff. /put [id] - Put a man in the car. /eject [id] - Get the man out of the car. /jail [id] - Put a man in jail. /su [id] [Reason] - Put a man on the wanted list. /ticket [id] [Amount] [Reason] - Выписать человеку штраф. /members - Members of the organization online (Online). /wanted - Crime rate. /m - Megaphone patrol car. /letpass - Issue a pass to the police station. Places where the police are stationed Legend:Red - Border jurisdiction LVPD.Green Is the border of SFPD jurisdiction.Blue color - the Border of the jurisdiction of the LSPD.Yellow is A military Object. Follows..
  10. In this topic given how you have to Park at the port, how to load trucks. ● Parking is allowed● Parking is prohibited● Parking is only permitted for riders and products Take the same situation, but from a different angle. We see how the car is a food truck in his Parking lot, he port workers loaded boxes in the car. Each car must stand in line, if he will not stand in it, he is waiting for a fine from the police.The port is the home of the police with the number 2. Here they spend their entire work shift, keep order and help the citizens of the State. Parking at the port - not the exception, they are for it as the same watch. If you Park incorrectly, you will first be warned, and then, if you do not understand their warning, they will write you a fine of $300 for 2.3 administrative Code (Parking in the wrong place). How to Park properly: Correctly: Wrong: Work in the port (loader) is available to all citizens of the State. For 1 brought box you can get $20, for a couple of hours, you can earn up to $20,000, if you work very well. Working as a food carrier, you can get from $750 to $1250, depending on the distance of the path. Idea of Roman Danilov
  11. Good evening everyone! Today I will talk about how to join a Gang on our server with you.​ Perhaps start with Latin American gangs, this such gangs as: Varrios Los Aztecas : the Rifa Gang : Los-Santos Vagos Gang: 1. Probably the first and banal is the face of a Latin American, you can buy it by donate https://mta-rp.com/index.php?app=donate. (More about faces-clickable). 2. Don't tell the leader or Deputy that You are some kind of " Tasher or Pro ", etc. It will only aggravate Your situation. 3. To join the Gang You need to improve the skills such as weapons 4. Coming to the area behave adequately, do not panic there in front of gang members. 5. When you came to the area and started a conversation with a member of the Gang you probably will be given a task, but it can be different usually it is such a task as: bring 150-250 grams of drugs or grass, but also you can give the task to bring 125-250 materials. 6. After You have completed Eugenie You will talk to the Deputy or the leader of the gang. He will start checking on the Role-Play knowledge, but as well as the Role-Play terms which I will now tell. 7. After the test of strength: D your fate will depend on the leader or Deputy. If You have been accepted, congratulations, but if not accepted then don't worry and remember that You can always come again. Now we will talk about African-American gangs, these are gangs such as: Groove Street Families : East Side Balla's : 1. Just the same as above, but here you need to buy the face African American. 2. Let me remind you that you do not need to be reminded of your " tyranny ". 3. Everything you need for a Latin gang. 4. When talking with members of the gang behave culturally and appropriately, not Ponte. 5. The same tasks that were mentioned above, but can be slightly changed. 6. After the job you will check on the Role-Play knowledge and Role-Play terms are written just above. 7. If everything was done correctly I congratulate you on the adoption, but if not then do not despair and come another time and you just get lucky! #Anoir_Ben
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